Get help with your technology TODAY!
Macs, PC’s, iPhones, iPads, Word Processors, Spreadsheets and more…
iPhones & iPads
Regardless of the version, all iOS devices have the same basic capabilities. Get more from your devices today!
Macs and PCs
Learn more about your operating system - Windows or Mac. Learn how to back up your computer and organize your files better!
Office 365, Google Docs, Apple iSuite, iMovie,
Garageband and more!
Personal lessons sessions from 60-90 minutes. Learn how to use your device more effectively!
Don’t be Scammed!
Bad actors are everywhere! Do not fall for the latest trap.
Tech Help
Has technology has passed you by? Do you have to ask your children for help?
I have worked with adult learners on many technology issues - from using an iPad/iPhone, Word Processing, just understanding your computer better! Call or email me today for a lesson.